Lucas Lorieau

PhD student in graph theory at LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

English Français

About me

I'm currently a PhD student in LIMOS (Clermont-Ferrand, France) under the supervison of Laurent Beaudou, Florent Foucaud and Pranabendu Misra. I am mainly working on algorithmic problems on digraphs, and on parametrized complexity. I am a part of the working group AlCoLoCo.

Research topics

My research interests include, without being exhaustive :

  • Algorithmics on (di)graphs (including apprimation algorithms, FPT algorithms, etc.)
  • Complexity (including parametrized complexity)
  • Combinatorial optimisation and polyhedral combinatorics

Photo de l'enseignant

Contact Information

Office F101 ISIMA

Email: lucas.lorieau[-AT-]

Previous positions

  • Master 2 intern at the Institute of Computer Science of Bonn University - Approximation algorithm for the Generalised Gasoline Problem under the supervision of Heiko Röglin

Before that, I was student at Grenoble INP - Ensimag, and completed the MoS program ORCO.