About me
I am an associate professor (maître de conférences) at the Université Clermont Auvergne.
I teach discrete mathematics and computer science at the computer science department of IUT Clermont Auvergne and I do my research in graph algorithms and graph theory at the LIMOS laboratory, where I am a member of the MAAD research axis and take part in the AlCoLoCo working group.
Research interests
My research is in graph algorithms and graph theory. Some of my favorite graph problems include graph identification problems (in particular identifying codes and metric dimension), graph homomorphisms, graph domination or metric-based covering and packing problems. I am interested both in structural aspects and the algorithmic complexity of such graph problems. See my Publications and Talks pages for more details. You may also consult my publications at google scholar or DBLP.
Collective scientific activities
I am co-managing the AlCoLoCo working group and seminar (since April 2022). I am serving in the editorial board of the journal Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization (since February 2024) and in that of the Journal of Interconnection Networks (since March 2021). I am a co-guest editor of a special issue on Discrete Algorithms, to be published in the journal Discrete Applied Mathematics.
I have been a member of the programme committees of the following scientific events:
- CALDAM 2025 (Coimbatore, India).
- CALDAM 2024 (Bhilai, India).
- SOFSEM 2024 (Cochem, Germany).
- IWOCA 2023 (Tainan, Taiwan).
- CALDAM 2023 (Gandhinagar, India).
- ICS 2022 - WABCT (Taoyuan, Taiwan)
- IWOCA 2022 (Trier, Germany).
- ALGOSENSORS 2021 (Lisboa, Portugal - online).
- IWOCA 2021 (Ottawa, Canada - online).
- IWOCA 2020 (Bordeaux, France - online).
- IEMSC 2020 (Kolkata, India).
I have helped organising the following scientific events:
- STACS 2024 (Clermont-Ferrand, France).
- GRALMECO 2023 workshop as chair (St Jacques d'Ambur, France).
- IWOCA 2020 as co-chair (Bordeaux, France - online).
- SEA 2012 (Bordeaux, France).
- BWIC 2011 (Bordeaux, France).
I am or have been involved in the following funded research projects:
As coordinator:
- GRALMECO ("Algorithmics for metric covering problems in graphs"), ANR-JCJC, 2022-2026.
- ALGODYN ("Algorithmes pour les réseaux dynamiques"), I-SITE cap 20-25, 2024-2025.
- ALGOSTRUCT-ID ("Algorithmique et structure des problèmes d'identification"), I-SITE cap 20-25, 2022-2025.
- ALMEGRA ("Algorithms for metric-based graph problems"), INS2I-CNRS, 2021.
- CODICIS ("COlors, DImension and Covers In graphS"), MATH-AmSud, 2024-2025.
Coordinators: Laurent Beaudou, Fábio Botler and Daniel Quiroz. - "Quasi-polynomial time approximation algorithms for some network design optimization problems", NSTC-CNRS International Emerging Actions (IEA), 2024-2025.
Coordinators: Ling-Ju Hung and Ralf Klasing. - AGraHom ("Applications of Graph Homomorphisms"), IFCAM-CEFIPRA, 2018-2023.
Coordinators: Reza Naserasr and Sagnik Sen. - HOSIGRA ("Homomorphisms of signed graphs"), ANR, 2018-2022.
(as postdoc funded by the project, 2019-2020)
Coordinator: Reza Naserasr. - IDIS ("IdentificatIon dans les structures DIScrètes"), PEPS-CNRS, 2015.
Coordinator: Aline Parreau. - IDEA ("Identifying coDes in Evolving grAphs"), ANR, 2009-2012.
(as PhD student, 2009-2012)
Coordinator: Ralf Klasing.
As member:
Here's a list of young researchers I have (co)-supervised:
- Jan Bok: metric-based problems in (dynamic) graphs, 02.2023-05.2024.
- Antoine Dailly: metric-based and identification problems in graphs, 10.2022-08.2024.
- Anni Hakanen: metric-based problems in graphs, 03.2022-02.2023.
PhD students
- Lucas Lorieau: Algorithms for optimisation problems on directed graphs, 10.2024-???. Co-supervised with Laurent Beaudou and Pranabendu Misra.
- Dipayan Chakraborty: Algorithms and structure for identification problems, 01.2022-???. Co-supervised with Michael A. Henning and Annegret Wagler.
Master students
- Sajad Rahimi: Geodetic sets of directed graphs. Master thesis, University of Tehran, 11.2021-09.2023. Co-supervised with Narges Ghareghani and Morteza Mohammad-Noori.
- SeyyedRasa Parvini Oskuei: Algorithms for geodetic sets in digraphs. Master thesis, University of Tehran, 11.2021-02.2023. Co-supervised with Narges Ghareghani and Morteza Mohammad-Noori.
- Andrei Eliseev: Analysis of epsilon-saturation time for metric graphs. Master thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne, 11.2021-03.2022. Co-supervised with Vsevolod Chernyshev.
- Victor S. Paardekooper: Switching homomorphisms of signed digraphs. Master thesis, Université de Bordeaux, 02.2020-06.2020. Co-supervised with Éric Sopena.
- Sébastien Clauzel : Complete colorings of signed graphs. Master thesis, Université de Bordeaux, 02.2020-06.2020. Co-supervised with Éric Sopena.
- Tristan Benoît: Metric dimension of 2-trees. M1 internship, ENS de Lyon, 04.2018-07.2018. Co-supervised with Laurent Beaudou, Aurélie Lagoutte and Florent Madelaine.
Undergraduate students
- Ankit Gayen: local identification problems in graphs. L3 internship, Chennai Mathematical Institute (Chennai, India), 05.2024-07.2024. Co-supervised with Dipayan Chakraborty.
- Pritam Acharya: The isometric path partition problem in graphs. L3 internship, IISER Pune (Pune, India), 05.2023-07.2023. Co-supervised with Antoine Dailly.
- Rajath Rao: Path partition problems in graphs. L3 internship, IIIT Bangalore (Bangalore, India), 12.2021-02.2022.
- Krishna Narayanan: Monitoring edge-geodetic sets in graphs. L3 internship, PSG College of Technology (Coimbatore, India), 03.2021-11.2021. Co-supervised with Lekshmi R. S.
- Yajur Phullera: Metric dimension in 2-trees. L2 internship, Chennai Mathematical Institute (Chennai, India), 05.2021-07.2021.
Previous positions
From September 2019 to December 2020, I was a postdoc researcher at the LaBRI (Université de Bordeaux, France), under the supervision of Éric Sopena, within the ANR project HOSIGRA ("Homomorphisms of signed graphs").
I was also an associated member of the LIFO (Université d'Orléans, France).
From March to July 2019, I was a temporary teaching assistant at Université d'Orléans, France, affiliated to the LIFO laboratory.
From January 2015 to February 2016 and from January to December 2018 I was a postdoc researcher at the LIMOS, under the supervision of Laurent Beaudou and then Lhouari Nourine. In between I took a leave to travel and volunteer at some organic farms (like this one) in the Pyrenees.
From January to December 2014, I was a postdoc researcher at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa (under the supervision of Mike Henning). I was also partly staying at the LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, France, where my host was Cristina Bazgan.
From February to December 2013, I was a postdoc researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (under the supervision of Camino Balbuena and Oriol Serra).
From September 2009 to December 2012, I was a PhD student and teaching assistant at the LaBRI in Bordeaux 1 University, France. My advisors were Ralf Klasing and André Raspaud, and the title of my thesis is "Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of identifying codes in graphs". This research has been part of the ANR project IDEA ("Identifying coDes in Evolving grAphs"). My thesis defense took place on December 10th, 2012. The manuscript can be found here.