Invited conference talks and invited lectures
- Invited lecture: Identification problems in graphs.
Hamband mathematics student organization (Sharif University, Tehran, Iran - online), December 2024. [Slides | Video]
- Invited talk: Identification problems in graphs.
25èmes Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA 2023) (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France), November 2023. [Slides]
- Invited talk: Identification problems in graphs and other discrete structures.
13èmes Journées Polyhèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire (JPOC13) (LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand, France), June 2023. [Slides]
- Invited talk: Extremal graphs for domination-based identification in graphs.
International Workshop on Domination in Graphs (IIT Ropar, India - online), November 2021. [Slides | Video]
- Invited talk: Bounds on the order of a graph of given metric dimension and diameter: studies for standard graph classes.
CanaDAM 2021- Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (online), May 2021, Minisymposium - The Metric Dimension of a Graph and its Variants. [Slides]
- Invited talk: Graph identification problems.
Workshop on Graph Theory and its Applications (IPM Isfahan, Iran - online), January 2021. [Slides | Video]
- Invited talk. Graph identification problems.
ICGTA20 - International Conference on Graph Theory and its Applications (Amrita University, Coimbatore, India), December 2020 (CANCELED due to COVID).
- Invited lecture: Identification problems on graphs: selected topics.
Indo-French pre-conference school of CALDAM'20 (IIT Hyderabad, India), February 2020. [Slides]
- Invited talk: Broadcast domination and multipacking in graphs and digraphs.
IEMSC 2020 - International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematical Sciences and Computing (Kolkata, India), February 2020. [Slides]
- Invited tak: The complexity of homomorphisms of signed graphs.
SIAM conference on Discrete Mathematics (Minneapolis, USA), June 2014, Minisymposium MS6 - Graph Edge Colours, Signs, and Crossings. [Slides]
Seminar talks
- Tight algorithmic double-exponential bounds for treewidth.
IIT Madras (Chennai, India), January 2025. [Slides]
- Covering a graph using shortest paths.
Seminar of the Department of Mathematics, IISER Pune (Pune, India), January 2023.
IIIT Delhi (Delhi, India), Februray 2023.
Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Chennai, India), January 2024.
Chennai Mathematical Institute (Chennai, India), January 2024. [Slides]
- Identification problems in graphs: selected topics.
IIT Dharwad (India), January 2024.
IPM Combinatorics and Computing seminar (Tehran, Iran - online), April 2024. [Slides]
- Broadcast domination and multipacking in graphs and digraphs.
Seminar of ROC team, LAAS (Toulouse, France), February 2020.
Mondays with Marty, online, May 2023. [Video]
Department of Computer Science, IIT Madras (Chennai, India), January 2024. [Slides]
- Parameterized complexity of modification problems on edge-coloured and signed graph homomorphisms.
Journées GaMoC, LIFO (Orléans, France), July 2021. [Slides]
- 10 years of identification problems in (hyper)graphs: selected topics.
Seminar on graphs and optimization, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), November 2019. [Slides]
- Homomorphisms for conjunctive navigational queries of graph databases.
Ramakrisha Mission Vivekananda Institute (Kolkata, India), February 2019. [Video]
Seminar of LIFO (Orléans, France), June 2019. [Slides]
Seminar of LACL (Créteil, France), September 2022.
- Homomorphism bounds for K4-minor-free graphs.
Seminar GOAL, LIRIS (Lyon, France), March 2015.
Seminar ACRO, LIF (Marseille, France), April 2015.
University of Tehran (Iran), April 2015.
Seminar Graphs and Optimisation, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), September 2015.
Seminario Preguntón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Juriquilla, Querétaro, México), November 2015.
Seminar of the ACMU at ISI Kolkata (Kolkata, India), February 2019. [Slides]
- Identification problems in graphs.
Seminar of the LIMOS (Clermont-Ferrand, France), January 2015. [Slides]
Department of Mathematics, Tabriz University (Iran), April 2015 and IPM Tehran (Iran), May 2015.
Seminario Preguntón, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Juriquilla, Querétaro, México), November 2017.
Department of Mathematics, IIT Madrad (Chennai, India), January 2019. [Slides]
- Identifying codes and metric dimension on selected graph classes.
Seminar Graphs and distributed algorithms, LIAFA (Paris, France), May 2014.
Seminar "Optimisation Combinatoire", LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine, June 2014. [Slides]
- The complexity of homomorphisms of signed graphs.
Seminar Graphs and Applications, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), March 2013.
Seminar "Graphes et structures discrètes", LIP, ENS Lyon, May 2013.
Seminar "Optimisation Combinatoire", LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine, June 2013.
- Identifying codes in graphs: problems from the other side of the Pyrenees.
Seminar Combgraph, UPC (Barcelona, Spain), February 2013. [Slides]
- Identifying codes in graphs of given maximum degree.
Seminar Algorithms and Complexity Theory, TU Berlin (Berlin, Germany), March 2012 [Slides]
Seminar GraphComb, LRI (Orsay, France), May 2012. [Slides]
- Bounds for identifying codes in graphs, an illustration of the probabilistic method.
Seminar Probabilities and Computer Science, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), January 2012. [Slides part 1 | Slides Part 2]
- Bounding the identifying code number of a graph using its degree parameters.
Seminar Graphs and Applications, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), April 2011. [Slides]
Seminar Foundations of Computing and Discrete Mathematics, Turun Yliopisto (Turku, Finland), August 2011. [Slides]
- Edge-identifying codes.
Seminar Combgraph , UPC (Barcelona, Spain), May 2011. [Slides]
- On some extremal problems on identifying codes in (di)graphs.
Seminar of the Department of Discrete Mathematics, AGH Kraków (Kraków, Poland), November 2010. [Slides]
- On some problems in graph theory: from colourings to vertex identification.
Centre for Computer Science & Information Technology, Calicut University (Kozhikode, Kerala, India), September 2010. [Slides]
- Extremal cardinalities of identifying codes.
Seminar Graphs and Applications, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), April 2010. [Slides]
- Identifying codes in graphs of maximum degree Delta.
Seminar of the Department of Algorithms and System Modelling, Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk, Poland), October 2009. [Slides]
Contributed conference talks (selected)
- Monitoring the edges of a graph using distances.
CALDAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (Hyderabad, India), February 2020. [Slides]
- Bounding the broadcast domination number by the multipacking number.
BGW 2019 - 5th Bordeaux Graph Workshop (Bordeaux, France), October 2019. [Slides]
- Locating-dominating sets in twin-free graphs.
SCGT 2015 - 8th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory (Kranjska Gora, Slovenia), June 2015. [Slides]
- Algorithms and complexity for metric dimension and location-domination on interval and permutation graphs.
WG 2015 - 41st Worksop on graph-theoretic concepts in computer science (München, Germany), June 2015. [Slides]
- Location-domination and metric dimension in interval and permutation graphs.
IPM Conference on Combinatorics and Computing (Tehran, Iran), April 2015. [Slides]
- Identification problems in graphs.
South African Mathematical Society Annual Conference (Johannesburg, South Africa), October 2014. [Slides]
- The complexity of homomorphisms of signed graphs and signed constraint satisfaction.
LATIN 2014 - 11th Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium (Montevideo, Uruguay), April 2014. [Slides]
- Random subgraphs make identification affordable.
CID 2013 - Colourings, Independence and Domination 2011 - 15th workshop on graph theory (Szklarska Poręba, Poland), September 2013. [Slides]
- The complexity of the identifying code problem in restricted graph classes.
IWOCA 2013 - 24th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (Rouen, france), July 2013. [Slides]
- Bounding K4-minor-free graphs in the homomorphism order.
BGW 2012 - 1st Bordeaux Graph Workshop (Bordeaux, France), November 2012. [Abstract | Slides]
- On graph identification problems and the special case of identifying vertices using paths.
IWOCA 2012 - 23rd International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (Krishnankoil, india), July 2012. [Slides]
- Identifying codes in graphs of given maximum degree.
BWIC 2011 - Bordeaux Workshop on Identifying Codes (Bordeaux, France), November 2011. [Slides]
- Identifying codes in regular graphs.
CID 2011 - Colourings, Independence and Domination 2011 - 14th workshop on graph theory (Szklarska Poręba, Poland), September 2011 [Slides]
- Edge-identifying codes (identifying codes in line graphs).
EUROCOMB'11 - European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications 2011, (Budapest, Hungary), August-September 2011 [Slides]
- On identifying codes and Bondy's theorem on "induced subsets".
8FCC - 8th French combinatorial conference, LRI (Orsay, France), June 2010. [Abstract | Slides]