
Sebastien Salva is a (Full) Professor at the University of Auvergne, France, and a fellow of the LIMOS laboratory, team DSI. He received the HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches) in may 2012 from the University of Auvergne and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Reims University, France, in 2001. His research interests include Model inference, Model Based Testing applied to different kinds of systems (timed, distributed, service oriented, etc.) by means of various testing approaches (conformance testing, passive testing, robustness, security, etc.).

  • Software Engineering
  • Testing (passive, active)
  • Security testing
  • Model inference
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Quality
  • HDR (Habilitation à diriger des Recherches), 2012

    University of Auvergne (UDA)

  • PhD in Software Engineering, 2002

    University of Reims

  • MEng (DEA), 1999

    Versailles University


Computer Science Professor
September 2014 – Present Aubiere, France

Responsibilities include:

  • Deputy Director IUT CA
  • Co-responsible of the DSI team, LIMOS Lab.
  • Member of the SPI Doctoral School board
  • Member of the IUT CA
Assistant Professor
University of Auvergne
January 2002 – August 2014 Aubière
University of Reims Champagne Ardennes
January 2001 – August 2002 Reims


Emmergence projet SEQUAE (Sciences des données Environnement QUAlite Eau) 23-24
Prédiction sur la qualité de l’eau de la Dordogne sur la communauté de communes de Sumène-Artense, alliant les trois approches Biomarqueurs, Bioessais & sciences des données, Projet SEQUAE (Sciences des données Environnement QUAlite Eau)
ANR Severitas 21-25
Fellow of the ANR project, Limos partner
ConfianceNumérique 2020-2024
Fellow of the Industrial Chair on Digital Trustworthy. Responsible of the part related to Software Engineering Supervisor of the PHD Student Jarod Sue working on Analyzing of microservice-based systems; Anomaly and security issue detection Link
Cifre Thesis with the Agaetis Company 21-24
Study on Data Quality Management Supervisor of the PHD student Roxane Jouseau. Purposes: Study on Data Quality and its impact on models and results in ML. Association of ML and Software Engineering.
ANR project Webmov
Fellow of the ANR Webmov project : a dedicated framework for the modelling and testing of web services composition. Link Last Publication
CIFRE Thesis with the Michelin company 13-16
Model inference and testing of Legacy applications Supervisor of the PHD student William Durand. Purposes: Model learning of legacy apps used to control industrial systems, Regression testing, Test generation to check whether a new system is compliant with the older one
Project S3, DIS4 (regional project)
Project S3 DIS4 (2015-2018): User Study for software security and authentication. Supervisor of a PHD Student.
Confiance Numérique 14-17
Fellow of the Industrial Chair on Digital Trustworthy. Supervisor of the PHD Student Loukmen Regainia. Link

