
I managed the degree “Licence Professionnelle MI Applications Web” (link here) from 2006 to 2023.



Past to present 2002 - 2023 IUT d’Aubière (Auvergne University)

BUT 2 PHP : POO, Class autoloading, design pattern (MVC, factory) etc., 82h RestFul APIs : REST principles, PHP Slim, SpringBoot, testing, 20h

BUT 3 Software engineering 40h

DUT courses: Network protocols(Ethernet, IP, TCP/UDP, …) and Web programming (PHP7, servlet, JSP, design pattern in Web).

Courses Hours
Protocols (OSI, Ethernet, IP, routage, TCP, NAT,...) 1ère année DUT 15H CM, 28H TD, 28HTP
Protocols/Web advanced, 2eme annee DUT (Wifi, xDSL,
prog. Socket, Servlet, JSP, design pattern MVC, BDO, injection SQL)
28H CM, 56H TP
Prog. Web 2ème année DUT (PHP, app architecture and
design with some patterns: MVC, strategy, singleton, etc.)
6H CM, 12H TD, 56H TP

2006 - Licence professionnelle MI Web Applications

Courses in Network protocols, introduction to parallel programming (OPENMP), Web services, Cloud computing, Software quality(soft. Eng., CMMI model, UML, tests, etc.), system admin, SUN certification.

Courses Hours
Network protocols (lower layers, Wifi, Ethernet, SDH/SONET,etc. 10H CM, 10H TD
Software quality (CMMI model, life cycle, tests,
Junit, Selenium, Mobile testing, etc.)
Soap Web services programming (Axis2, JAXWS, BPEL, ) 20H CM/TP
Cloud programming (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), Google AppEngine,
Windows Azure, Heroku, Restful Web service programming
(jersey, php slim, etc.)
Parallel programming ( Thread, OPENMP language,
memory shared programming with multicores, etc.)
16H CM, 10H TP
System ( Process, Thread, Java parallel prog. 16H CM, 8H TP
SUN certification (JAVA, level Programmer and plus) 10H TD

2011 - 2021 Master 2 GLIA

Web service, Cloud computing, BPMN, Model based Testing (20h)

1998 - 2002 Reims University

Licence d’informatique: Protocols, computer architecture, web programming(PHP), Objet programming(C++), FDT

DESS: objet and system programming


Master GLIA Services, Cloud and testing

Web service

Cloud computing

Cloud Testing

TP1 Jersey

TP1 Springboot



Licence Pro